- TripAdvisor: Find the best hotels and restaurants in the world. Remember to leave your comments, it will help other travellers to choose a site.
- Foursquare: Do your check-in at hotels, restaurants, bars, museums and receive the best tips, and the best thing is that the app locate them through the geolocation of your phone.
- Guía Óleo: Delight with the best restaurants, bars and coffee around you, it also works with the geolocation of your phone.
- Waze GPS: Forget the large maps, learn about each destination that you visit without getting lost, just only visualize your location from your phone. If you travel by car the app reports about the traffic and roads closed.
- Wattpad: While travelling some people listen to music, others sleep and others read; in this application you will find books and articles of humor, drama, action and other genres for free.