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5 Apps you need when traveling to Montevideo


Nowadays technology is a very useful tool for business tourism and in Uruguay they have developed several applications that will help you during your travel. For example there are apps to help you create your travel itineraries and recommend you the best restaurants, hotels and tours or to learn how to move in Montevideo. They are ideal for your business trip so today I want to recommend 5 apps that you must have on your trip to Montevideo.

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Visit the Carnival Museum in Montevideo


The Uruguayan Carnival is a popular festival of national character and it is considered the longest of the world, with approximately 35 days of duration. Held every year from mid-January until the end of February it is characterized by combining African with European traditions. While the Carnival is celebrated in summer, it is possible vibrate with the rhythms of the drums at any time of the year since the candombe sounds in the streets and clubs of the city while the murgas rehearse and prepare for the great event. These manifestations and cultural customs that offer Uruguay and its importance in society can be understood better by visiting the Carnival Museum in Montevideo.

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